Healthy For The Holidays
DIY Home Emergency Kit
Staying healthy during the winter holidays comes down to one important thing: Being Prepared.

December 21, 2024
With changing weather conditions and dropping temperatures, you never know when you might lose electricity or get stuck at home—and you can’t predict how long it might last! Being prepared with the essentials (just in case) will not only ease your mind, but can help keep you safe and healthy in the event of an emergency situation.
So, let’s make sure you’re prepared!
Check out this list of must-haves from our Somatus health support team as you’re putting together your at-home emergency kit this winter season.
Emergency Kit List for the Winter Holidays
- At least two cases of water, plus an extra two gallons of distilled water for CPAP and BiPAP machines.
- A battery-powered AM/FM radio.
- Flashlight.
- Extra batteries – multiple sizes.
- Portable chargers for your electronics.
- A first aid kit including disposable wipes, gloves, and masks.
- Hand sanitizer and other personal hygiene items.
- A blanket.
- Candles, matches, and a lighter.
- Fire extinguisher.
- Three days’ worth of food.
- Disposable utensils.
- Extra medications and supplies.
- A list of emergency contacts, like family members, your doctor, and the Somatus Care Line at (855) 851-8354, ext. 9
These are just the basics to get you started. Feel free to add more supplies to your kit based on things like the climate you live in and the unique needs of you and your family. For example, if you or someone in your family has diabetes, consider packing some extra glucose tabs. Or extra sterile supplies and solutions if you are on dialysis.
Start assembling your kit today so you’ll be ready to grab it and go in the event of an emergency!
*These materials do not provide medical advice. The information contained in these materials is for educational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you read in these materials. If you are a Somatus member, call (855) 851-8354 to speak to your health support team. If you are not a Somatus member, please speak with your healthcare provider.