March Into Kidney Health

Take Charge of Your Kidney Health Today!
March is National Kidney Month!

Did you know?
Kidney disease affects one in seven people. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) often has no symptoms in the early stages, so some individuals may not realize they are affected.
Kidney disease cannot be cured, but it can be treated. It is important to take steps to keep your kidneys healthy and to preserve the function you still have!
Remember, there’s a lot you can do to improve your kidney function. Be sure to follow these tips, then fill out the form to download our “Kidney Health Guidebook” to keep your kidneys in check for Kidney Month and long after!

How to stay healthy with CKD
To kick off this month, here are 10 ways to keep your kidneys healthy!
Don't miss appointments
Going to your appointments and follow-up visits is important for your health. It helps your provider monitor your condition, change treatments if needed, and find any problems early. CKD affects everyone differently. The more you learn about it, the better you can protect your kidneys.
Know your numbers
High blood sugar and/or high blood pressure can harm your kidneys and make your CKD progress faster. We can’t manage what we don’t measure. To stay healthy, you should test and track your numbers at home. What you track can be some of the best data to help your kidneys!
Eat a kidney-friendly diet
It is important that you make good food and drink choices to keep you in a good balance. Following a kidney-friendly diet can slow the progression of CKD.
Understanding your labs
To keep track of your kidney health, it’s important to get regular lab tests. These tests give your provider important information about how well your kidneys are working. By understanding what each lab result means, you can take an active role in monitoring your kidney health.
Avoid tobacco
Deciding to quit using tobacco takes a lot of willpower and can be mentally and physically challenging. It is important to have a plan and a support system when planning to quit and going through the process.
Maintain a health weight
Staying at a healthy weight is important when you have CKD. Extra weight can make your kidneys work harder.
Stay active
Regular exercise is key for good health. It keeps your heart, bones, and brain strong, and helps you sleep better. Always check with your provider before starting a new exercise routine.
Manage your medications
It is important to follow your treatment plan to stay healthy. Taking your medications is an important part of your treatment.
Things to avoid
Some prescription and over-the-counter medications can be harmful and cause further damage to your kidneys, especially if you have CKD. Before you start taking any new medications, including over-the-counter medications, talk to your provider first.
Manage stress and get enough sleep
Managing stress and getting enough sleep is important for both your mental and physical health.
Ready to take charge of your health?
Ready to learn more about how to stay physically and mentally healthy with CKD? Fill out the form at the top of the page for more tips and resources to get you started on this health journey. It’s never too late to make positive changes and give your kidneys the care they deserve!
Learn more about the healthy living program.
Somatus is here to answer your questions anytime. Call us (855) 851-8354